Industrial and automotive communication and control related projects

  • Foot-activated Opening of the Fifth Door Using Machine Learning and Ultrasonic Sensors. 

  • Lintarget – group of project based on CTU RT-enhanced Linux Target for Matlab/Simulink® Embedded Coder® – includes CAN support as well as DC and PMSM motor control examples with support of external mode and online graphs and data acquisition support

  • RPP TMS570 – software, Matlab/Simulink® and Rapid Prototyping Platform hardware design based on ARM®  Cortex™ – R4F MCU designed for Safety Critical Applications
  • Earliest Deadline First (EDF) and Constant Bandwidth Server (CBS) schedulers for RTEMS real-time system. They have been developed at our group and integrated into core of the system used by ESA and NASA in many space missions
  • ORTE – Open Real-Time Ethernet is Real-Time Publish-Subscribe (RTPS) communication protocol implementation which has been one of two reference implantation which lead to OMG Data-Distribution Service (DDS) and The Real-time Publish-Subscribe Wire Protocol (DDSI-RTPS) standardization. Binding and demo applications runs on broad range of systems (Windows, Posix, Linux) and even Java and Android binding and example robot control applications are available
  • OrtCAN – CAN/CANopen drivers, libraries and monitor project started during OCERA European IST project. Project provides own low latency Linux CAN driver (LinCAN) but monitoring tools and CANopen libraries are compatible with SocketCAN as well
  • MaCAN – Message Authenticated CAN library & tools written in C to implement and and evaluate protocol developed at Volkswagen Research
  • List with more of our CAN bus related projects from diploma thesis to contracts with automotive OEMs

Algorithms, scheduling and theory tools for research, education and applications

Tutorials, manuals, and other materials

Technology demonstrators and complete vehicles